Let’s face reality – upholstery gets dirty! Whether it’s that sofa you love, or the mattress you use every night, in the end it will end up covered in dirt, grime and dust. But how do you clean it?

Well, thanks to our upholstery cleaning service, we know exactly how! Firstly, we’ll examine the object in question and work out exactly what it’s made of. Whether it’s leather, leatherette or a fine nylon weave, we’ll soon get to the bottom of what chemicals are required to leave it good as new.

And don’t let yourself think that this isn’t a priority. Upholstery and mattresses are a repository for dust mites, bodily oils and all the worst sorts of household muck. And, after all, they are some of the items you use most in your house. Why not keep them in the best condition they can be? It’ll lengthen their lifespan immeasurably.

If you’re worried about harsh chemicals damaging your much-loved fabrics – have no fear. Our stain removal process starts with careful examination and ends with applying a layer of protection to your furniture, to give it a little protection against future odours and stains. We promise to give your upholstery a brand new lease of life!

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